May 2024 Consorto market data highlights

Hotels top Consorto market data in May

Welcome to the May 2024 edition of our real estate market update. We are excited to share the latest insights and market data highlights from This month has witnessed some interesting trends and significant movements in the European commercial real estate market. Here’s a snapshot of the key data points:

Hotels have the highest listing activity in May

Property Types

The May market data statistics from reveal that the highest listing activity was in the Hotels sector, accounting for 31% of the total property types. Mixed-use properties followed closely at 30%. Other notable categories include Office (11%), Retail (10%) and Industrial (7%), indicating a diverse investment spread across various property sectors.

Most property listings fall into the <€10 million category

Average Listing Prices

The majority of property listings fall into the <€10 million category, accounting for 57% of the total. Properties listed between €10 and €50 million make up 37%, while those priced above €50 million constitute only 6%.

he largest portion of properties listed in May are vacant

Yield Performance

The largest portion of properties listed in May are vacant, accounting for 40% of the total, highlighting value-add opportunities. Properties yielding between 5% and 10% make up 37%, while those with yields greater than 10% constitute 19%. Properties with yields less than 5% represent the smallest category at 4%.

In May, saw a significant influx of new listings, totaling €820,965,923 in value

Total Sales Volume

In May, saw a significant influx of new listings, totaling €820,965,923 in value. This substantial addition underscores the platform’s growth and the increasing interest in diverse property investments. The robust figures reflect a healthy and active real estate market on

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